Racking Safety Inspections

Technical inspections to maintain the safety of your warehouse

The racks are elements of the warehouse that are inevitably deteriorated with the use.
The structural components of a storage facility operated mechanically means that are subject to gradual deterioration and suffer damage, which can occasionally generate immediate or gradual high-risk situations and cause accidents to workers, damage to stored goods or the interruption of the company’s service.

Therefore, periodic technical inspections of storage equipment are not only recommended but also necessary to improve the safety of your warehouse.

Regulations and legislation for storage on metal racking

Standards EN15635 and NTP852 establish that storage equipment must be inspected regularly, with the aim of ensuring its proper functioning and reducing the accident risks of working with racks in poor condition, deteriorations that sometimes go unnoticed.

Your installation needs a technical inspection if it meets any of the following cases:

  • Operates with mechanical handling equipment (forklift-type or similar)
  • The installation has one year or more from its implementation
  • Since the last technical inspection, modifications of the original installation have been made without consulting the manufacturer

Inspection protocol

For this reason, POLYPAL, as a specialized manufacturer of metal racking, has developed a Technical Shelving Inspections service that bases its protocol on current regulations, evaluating the risk of each of the damaged elements and detected risks, preparing a report to advise the customer on the corresponding action to recondition the equipment and ensure an optimum level of security.

Racking Safety Inspections

If your warehouse operates with mechanical handling equipment it is necessary to perform annual technical inspections of your storage systems.
Improve the security of your warehouse and reduce the risks.

SEMA accreditation

Technical inspections are regulated by European and national regulations. It is SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association), the British association of manufacturers of storage systems, the European organization with more years of accreditation in guaranteeing the adequate training and experience of the technicians who carry out inspections of storage systems.

The specialized professional of the Technical Inspection Service of POLYPAL has the accreditation S.A.R.I. (SEMA Approved Rack Inspector). This guarantees that the inspections carried out by this POLYPAL service follow technical parameters subject to the applicable regulations, the reference industrial standards and are constantly updated.

Periodic technical inspections avoid personal damages, delays in the deliveries and possible ineffectiveness of machinery and lines of manufacture.

Other services

Training in security and inspections in warehouses

It is necessary that both the workers who work in a warehouse and the person in charge of the security of the storage equipment (PRSES), are correctly trained in the use of the maintenance equipment, in security and risk prevention in warehouses, with the objective to avoid accidents and reduce their consequences.

Safety training and warehouse inspections are carried out at the customer’s premises, always adapted to their daily logistical activity, maintenance equipment and employees.

This type of training allows to maintain the safety of workers in the workplace and keep the storage equipment in good condition, thus extending its useful life.

Investigation of accidents in warehouses

The POLYPAL Technical Inspection team is trained to carry out accident inspections in the warehouse in order to detect the causes that originated it, define a protocol for action to resolve the risk situation with immediacy and avoid future dangerous situations.  

Tailor-made solution

If you are not sure which storage solution best suits your needs, please contact us. We will help you get your project off the ground.

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